Monday, March 8, 2010

Vic Market and torrential rain

Went to Vic Market for a quick grocery shop and a quick snack. Fresh spanish donuts, yum!
Whilst trying to get some fresh vegies (to balance out the snack), Melbourne weather decides to go absolutely nuts and started hailing like crazy. Everyone just stopped what they were doing to cover their ears over the deafening noise of hail the size of ping pong balls hitting the tin roofs.

Then the rain started. And the power went out.

Since it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon, I ran back to the car (getting absolutely drenched in the process) and spent the next hour trying to get home by driving in knee deep water (very dangerous in hindsight). I made it home only to find that the kitchen was FLOODED. Not happy. We had no power and a very very wet kitchen. I had to hand dry everything in our cupboards. One thing is for sure, I do not need any more saucepans or bowls. We will probably need a new microwave and toaster though, since they were saturated.

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