Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thai Curries

My birthday (or the excuse of getting to do/buy/eat what I want because its my birthday!!) doesn't officially end until:

1. Everyone that knows its my birthday has reminded me how unbelievably old I am now, or
2. Scott takes me out to eat whatever it is I'm currently obsessed with

I had french crepes on the mind this week (business as usual), so I based my final birthday celebratory dinner around having crepes for desert. I was not too fussed on dinner. It turns out though that there is a thai restaurant a few shops down (thanks google!) from the french crepe place, so we tried it out.

I had a chicken massaman and Scott had the green chicken curry. Both were very nice and filling. It was a perfect partner to crepes (not pictured, since fresh crepes (especially birthday crepes) do not wait for slow camera phones with no flash).
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    haha thai.... did yuo get a pad thai? or was that last time a bit much for you? (two whole plates...well, technically it was just one while SOMEone had the whole thing to themselves..).

    glad you had an epic fun week re: food on your birth(week)day :P

  2. We did not get pad thai because they are very filling from past experiences :P and I was NOT going to run the risk of filling up to the point where I could not have crepe. That would have been a disaster, and would have extended my birthday celebration by another week :D
