Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chocolate Eclairs (attempt numero uno)

This was my first time making eclairs - and i was inspired by watching Poh's Kitchen last night when the reknowned French pastry chef, Emmanuel Mollois made delish eclairs.

I used another recipe because Mollois' recipe is way authentic and i couldn't be bothered going to buy cream or 70% dark choc bits. Instead i used the recipe from a book called 'Easy Desserts' which i also received as a gift from some friends. This is the first recipe tried and tested from said book. (i also had all the ingredients at home...)

fraudulent profiteroles - i was trying to make some cool shapes, but failed - obviously.

btw, they taste delish!

food music for thought - Pennyroyal Tea - Nirvana (cos a cuppa would go down nicely with these mini eclairs.)

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