Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tokyo Disneyland

We thought it'd be a treat to go and check out disneyland whilst in Tokyo, since neither of us have ever been before. Of course we had to go on the very last day of Japan's school holidays, so the queues for ANYTHING was never ending. It was not as magical as I had imagined.

Mickey waffles were yummy though.

An american dog is apparently made of rubbery pork.

I need a disneyland trip do-over. This one just didn't cut it. I did get a little stitch toy and went on the teacup ride so I guess it wasn't a total loss.
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  1. my god that waffle looks AWESOME! they probably sell those machines there along with other face-like waffle making machines...

    haha, you should've kept the hotdog to use on your iphone once winter rolls around :P

  2. Oh dear just looking at that dog is making my stomach turn. It was cool watching the waffles being made... they had about 30 mickey face makers going at a time. Mmmmm... face waffle.
