Sunday, April 4, 2010


Not every meal in Japan needs to be Japanese. There are a ton of burger franchises here, so we tried a few out.

First Kitchen sells burgers and pasta (of course). There were no english menus, so we just pointed at a couple of burgers and hoped for the best. I got something with a thin beef patty, egg, bacon, bbq sauce, tartare sauce and cabbage. It was pretty good! Scott had some other type of beef patty with bbq sauce and cheese. The chips come in a large paper bag because you are supposed to pick a flavour that gets added on the chips which you shake to get it all mixed. First time round we looked so baffled when the poor girl at the counter asked us in Japanese she gave up on us and we had plain chips. We ended up at First kitchen a few times because they were everywhere and the burgers were pretty small so we considered them snacks. Next time round though I tried a bbq flavour seasoned chips (gross) and then something that ended up tasting like sugar and parmesan (gross-er). Thus ended our liason with First Kitchen.

This was a shrimp burger from a chain called Lotteria. They have a weird commercial that they play at the front of their stores, and the store in Harajuku had a radio program that was being recorded right next to the counter. This was sooooo good though.
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1 comment:

  1. FLAVOR POTATO - let's shake.
    god i love this.

    but sugar and parmesan should be made illegal.

    i don't know if this is possible, but the burgers look something out of a manga or an anime...comical? i don't know.
