Sunday, April 4, 2010

Japan Deserts

One of the best thing about Japan is the number of places there are that sell deserts. They all look amazing.

When you finally pick one to try (for the day :) they take their time in carefully placing it in a sturdy cardboard box, where they put inserts to protect the cake from getting damaged during transport. They also add a little ice pack in the box to ensure that when you finally open the box in your hotel room after a long day of sightseeing, the cake is still cool and delicious.

As it should be.

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1 comment:

  1. hahaha wow they truely pride themselves in delivering the best of the best desserts ever.
    goodness, that is an awesome selection of cakes - you should make it your mission to sample every one of them.....for scientific blogging research purposes of course ;)
