Sunday, April 25, 2010

Comedy Festival Deserts

After a hee-larious Ross Noble show, we opted for some St Kilda deserts

Blackforest cake

Apple and Pear Cake

Followed by icecream!
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Food Safari: Greek

Yay for food safaris! We decided to have a Greek dinner before we went to see Ross Noble at the Palais.


The bread was so good!



Dinner was pretty yummy despite the chilly atmosphere of the restaurant. We weren't sure if it was us, but the boss lady was not happy and let everyone know it. Despite the yummy meal, we were glad to leave!
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Why do I keep ordering parmas that weigh more than me?!

Look how tiny the salad is in comparison! This was a lunch meal (no its not even dinner!).

I don't think I even got through half of it. Nobody was surprised.
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Farmer's Market

Checked out the local farmer's market this weekend. I ended up buying all sorts of fresh and delicious food.

Tarts of all descriptions!

For dinner that night we had yummy rump steak purchased from the market, with a fresh mushroom gravy sauce.
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Chinese Food

Char Kuey Teow

Prawn in silky egg sauce
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Birthday Get together

Celebrated a dual birthday by going to the Leveson in North Melbourne. I think Scott and I missed Australian style food, which is why:

I had a parma bigger than my head, and

Scott had a massive steak.

Then, horray!! we had delicious crepes at Williamstown. They certainly did NOT have this in Japan!

After that, for desert (crepe was pre-desert) a baci cake so rich I only had a sliver and that was enough to offset the benefits of all the exercise I did in Japan.

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7-eleven, Japan style

I think Japan is the only place in the world I would buy sushi or any other prepackaged meal from a convenient store with the comfort that I will not get painfully ill the next day.

Hot meals will be heated up for you.

I had quite a few of the triangle sushi's. I always tried a different color and hoped for the best :)

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Desert is big business in Japan. I kept seeing these colorful deserts (amongst all the other colorful desert shops) in Japan and had to try one.


A tiny bite size snack, a perfect treat at the end of the day :)
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Our last meal in Kyoto was in the famous Pontocho district, full of traditional tea houses and trendy restaurants. We were a bit early for the dinner rush, so found ourselves sitting at the counter of this tiny restaurant with the chef focused on cooking our meal alone while jazz music played in the background.

First course. The salmon was so silky. Everything seemed to work well with the raspberry sauce.

Pea soup. I had to finish off Scott's.

Blurry beef with a balsamic sauce. The beef was perfectly cooked.


A memorable meal, and a lovely way to finish off our stay in Kyoto.
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One of our favourite snacks whilst wandering around Japan during cherry blossom season were dough balls.

There would always be a stall nearby a popular sakura (Cherry Blossom) venue.

Soft and doughy, they were delicious!
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Italian in Japan

We tried an Italian lunch special in Kyoto. It was... interesting.

Chilled tomato salad for starters. I like the creamy tuna sauce the tomato was sitting on.

Scott had a steamed hamburg.

I had crab spaghetti. It definately had a crab taste, but very little meat.
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Momiji manju

Hiroshima's popular cake is shaped like a maple leaf, with a sweet bean paste filling. You can also get other fillings like chocolate or cheese.

A perfect and cute little snack.
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You can pick up yummy triangle sushi in department stores or any of the thousands of convenient stores in Japan

There is a plastic sheet between the nori (seaweed) and rice, so that it can stay in the fridge for a while and not get soggy. Once you are ready to eat, follow the numbers and instructions and pull the plastic off. If you happen to be uncoordinated, you might end up with a slightly shredded nori triangle sushi :)
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Pepper Lunch

We love Pepper Lunch in Japan! Go to the vending machine, pick the meal you want (there's pictures), put in the money and get your ticket. Hand your ticket to the guy at the counter, and you will end up with this:

Careful, the plate is hot! Pour in the special sauce and watch it all sizzle.

You even get a guard to protect your clothes. In the end you get deliciously cooked beef slices. Quick and delicious, this was one of our favourite places to eat in Tokyo.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lunch (instruction manual included)

When you can get food this good from a train station, why would you go anywhere else? Sure, this was at Tokyo station, which is massive, but the service was quick and the food was fresh and delicious. Tonkatsu (fried pork cutlet) is so yummy.

Scott had the tonkatsu lunch special.

I, on the other hand, picked the 'ladies lunch' meal from the menu

Maybe I should have paid more attention to the meal name. Perhaps this was for ladies (i.e. more than one). I had miso soup, tonkatsu on rice, some more rice with teppanyaki, cabbage and pickled vegetables.

I was also provided with this:

Oh. Okay then.
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