Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lunar New Year Festival

It was way too hot to enjoy all the food available at the footscray festival. I took some photos, then had lunch in a nicely air conditioned restaurant.


It was too hot for curry fish balls.

Beef meatballs

Bananas in rice. These are so yummy!

Three color drinks

Fish made out of jelly. Jelly fish? Just like grandma used to make!

Speaking of which, these are actually from an old family recipe of OURS. They are crunchy outside, and have sweet shredded coconut inside. My grandma passed the recipe of this desert to the owner of the corner bakery in footscray years ago and they have been selling these ever since.


Visited Costco with some friends to check out all the 'savings'. It turned out to be a very expensive day.

Gigantic muffins aisle

Cupcakes. Gigantic cupcakes.

Fridge of pies.

So much cheese

A 4.5kg of Toblerone.

Wall of Tim Tams

Care for 1000 Chupa chups?

After about5 hours of shopping up a storm, and despite all the food samples that we ate in the store, we were starving! For $2.50 you can get a pork hotdog and a refillable softdrink at the Costco cafe. Bargain!

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Crisp Pizza

So unhealthy, but so delicious!

They also have the best icecream. My new favourite flavour, Strawberry Jam

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Forgot I had mangoes in the fridge. They had been there for over a week, but were still perfect. Yum!
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Proscuitto pizza

Went to Trunk in the city for a coworker's farewell lunch. Everyone ordered from the 'cheaper' end of the menu :) Pizza. Large and filling. It was okay. I was hoping there was a salmon pizza but no luck.
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Pork Puff

So delicious!
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Korean Dinner

Beef Bulgogi

Port Gyozas
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Engagement Dinner

Celebrated an engagement at the CQ Bar. We ended up having dinner there too. We waited FOREVER for the food.

Steak with a heavily reduced pepper sauce. What you see here is a life size photo. Everyone that ordered their steak medium ended up with well done. Not cool.

My friend had the seafood linguini. The pasta was overcooked.

This, however, was awesome. Super crunchy fries with a garlic ailoi. I think it worked out to be $1 a chip though.

Thank goodness I ordered the chips, because this is what you get when you order an entree calamari 'salad'. There was more sauce than seafood! Also, the sauce was gross. So disappointing.

So in summary, tiny, overcooked and overpriced meals. We are all very happy and excited for the couple though :)
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Lunch: Barbagallo Pizzeria

Since the new pizzeria Barbagallo is so close to our work, we decided to try it for lunch. There is no menu outside, and it wasn't until later that we found out that its by the same guy who started the whole pizza thing in melbourne. Scott ordered the salami pizza. He gave it a score of 'meh'.

I on the other hand had the salmon pizza and really enjoyed it (although it was a struggle to finish it all by myself). The dough is nice and thin and the crust is so crunchy.

The prices were a little high (approx $20 a pizza) so I don't think we'll be making this a regular lunch haunt.
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Queen Victoria Night Market

Went to the night market at Vic market. There were soooo many food, and sooooo many people.

This is Jerk Chicken from a Caribbean stall. It looked alright, but it was so dry and average. Nothing like the amazing jerk chicken we had previously.

Fresh Lemon Juice, slurpee style.

After the dissapointing chicken, I went off to find something else to eat. I got a sambussa from the African food stand to nibble on while I waited in another queue. It was filled with a spicy beef mince mix. Very tasty!

The Creole stand was very popular (hence the need for a snack). I waited forever for this Chicken Jambalaya. It was only a teeny bit spicy, and tastes (and looks) like a chicken cacciatore.

The hit of the night. Honey Dumplings. Deep fried balls of dough, smothered in hot honey with icecream and sesame seeds on top. Amazing! People were queuing up to get take-home packs, which was about 15 dumplings in a plastic box. Some were getting two or three boxes!

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Home Made: Beef Burritos

Beef Burrito Marinade:
Thinly sliced beef
Lime juice
Cumin powder
Chopped coriander
Chopped Jalapeno Peppers
Olive Oil

Combine, then cook on a grill pan. Add chopped vegetables, grated cheese, sour cream and tomato salsa in a warmed tortilla.
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