Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blacklisted: Maccas

I used to love McDonald's. I don't know what happened, but after a while I started getting ill which always seemed to coincide with having a burger from the fast food chain. I had added all but the desert menu on my blacklist (even the drinks would make me queasy after a while). This Choc Sundae was my dinner on the way to Falls Creek and I just knew I would regret the decision before I even ordered. It didn't stop me eating the entire thing though. Perhaps it wasn't entirely this Sundae's fault, as I did try to eat a funky hot chicken roll (with cheese?!) an hour later which was also against my better judgement. My non-vomit streak (well over 10 years) came to an abrupt end later that night. Never again McDonalds, never again. Same goes to that friggen chicken place in Mount Beauty.
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