Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little Malaysia

Had a dinner out with friends and went to Little Malaysia for some curry. Its been a while since I visited this place, and was slightly dissapointed at the watery curry and dry roti. I think Sambal Kampung is the place to visit for roti these days. Sorry Little Malaysia :(
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There are so many places to get dumplings in the city these days! Dumpling sisters is one of the new restaurants, so of course I tried it out. I ordered a plate of pork dumplings, and they arrived on my table in next to no time. They were quite crunchy, and look deep fried as opposed to pan fried. The meat mixture had ginger in it, which made it a little different to other restaurants. It was not too bad and probably worth a second visit.
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Happy Birthday Britt!
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Sunday, June 13, 2010


I have no idea what this is called, but it was quite tasty!

Its two large black sesame rice crackers, each covered with a thin sheet of rice noodle

And in the middle, grilled pork with peanuts and spring onions. Snap off a bit of the cracker, pile on some of the filling and pour a bit of sauce and enjoy!
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Cold and Flu season

I had an inkling of a sore throat on Saturday, and it just got worse and worse for an entire week. I felt frozen and miserable all week, and all I wanted to eat was hot soupy foods. And thats what I got.

Wonton soup. It was quite oily, which didn't help my sore throat.

Plain congee. Nice and hot. Its the perfect comfort food...

...especially with pickled cucumbers and beans. Yum!

I had quite a lot of soups this week, so tried this red thai curry from the supermarket. I must have started feeling better at this point, because I could smell all the typical aromas of a thai curry, but the flavour did not match. It was quite a sad, bland little soup (and yes I put a lot of marge on the bread. Thats how I like it).
Went to Sambal Kampung later in the week for lunch. My throat was in no state to handle anything too spicy, so I settled for fishball noodle soup.

Colds are no fun at all.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Home Made: Pizza

Home made pizzas to feed the masses!

Ms Tiamania and myself made about 10 or so pizzas, each delicious and healthy*

How delicious do these look? There are no photos of the pizzas once they were cooked, because no one could wait those extra seconds before consuming them all.

I don't think we had any strange topping combinations (unless you count pinapple). Fetta cheese and anchovies are so good together!

*we had spinach in some. That's healthy right?
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Classic Curry Company

You can't go wrong with curry from the Classic Curry Company.

Chicken Korma. Beautifully soft chicken in a mild spicy sauce

Naan bread. We ordered takeaway so by the time we got home the naan was a little soft and chewy, but still very very good


It was a massive and very satisfying feed.
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My dad made a seafood packed dinner the other night, and oysters was one of the dishes. I have only tried oysters once before, and I think it had sand/grit in it so was not keen to have it ever again. The smell of the sauce was so enticing though that I had to give it another go. UNBELIEVABLE. The sauce was so delicious I didn't mind the strange texture of oyster (nothing gritty this time!).
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Home Made: Green Curry Chicken

Made this the other night. I bought a tub of green curry paste and the instruction was pretty straightforward. Having used curry sauces/pastes I was prepared for mild, lackluster flavour, so I added about double the recommended dosage of paste. BIG mistake. Notice how there is so little sauce (the best bit in a green curry!) in this serve? Its because it was eye wateringly spicy. I should have known when the steam that was coming out of the pan was stinging my eyes. Other than that it was very yummy. Will attempt this again once my taste buds grow back.
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Vietnam '09 - '10 (part 3)

Here is another (much delayed) instalment of the food wonders i encountered in Vietnam!

at the marketplace - vietnamese ham

spaghetti in vietnam...with jelly.

VN lemon soda = beer mug with large tablespoons of sugar, ice cubes, incessant amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice + can of club soda (which looks like a german beer stubbie).

a western style iced coffee - in another beer-looking glass

broken rice with egg meatloaf

broken rice with pork chop - we had these for breakfast and they went down splendidly.
sweet dessert with egg..i am pretty sure it was raw and it cooks in the hot soup

hainese chicken! SOO DELISH! and unfortunately small servings.

to be continued.....

birthday cake from brunetti

my 19th birthday cake!
chocolate sponge with cream and strawberries and ...a liquor in the centre, covered with chocolate whipped cream and sprinkled generously with crushed almonds/walnuts/peanuts AND EPIC CHOCOLATE CURLS!

cuppycakes and choc weetbix slice

naked cupcakes!

ahhhh..that's better..
weetbix slice that was a little crumbly, but still delish...interesting use of cereal - this would be a tasty breakfast!


bit of a fail there with my misjudging thickness of pastry and amount of custard, so i had quite a bit of custard mixture left over....

...which i turned into baked custards in ramekins!
(i placed them in a baking dish with water coming up 1/2 way up the ramekins)

perfectly cooked on the inside - light, silky smooth and oh so moorish!

definitely making this again, perhaps just as a basic custard or using different pastry - shortcrust?


'scuse the mess, loves.

in the middle of building the towerrr of cake.

this is definitely worth another shot, using a different recipe....

Friday, June 4, 2010

carrot cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting and marzipan carrots

super moist cupcakes as we used sunflower oil instead of butter.
frosting contained a whole heap of icing to counterbalance the uber cheese flavour of Philly and had zing from the lemon zest.

ps. it is quite difficult to cut 30 green "stalks" at a late hour with a manic sister furiously icing cupcakes.