Sunday, February 14, 2010

Food Safari - Night Market

Food Safari, Night Market edition! Everyone went off and came back with a dish for the group, so I have no idea what some of these things are, but they were all pretty good!

Some chicken meat loaf thing

Thai lamb and rice

Something Greek

African sambussas. One of them was -supposed- to be lentil and NOT stuffed with meat. Sorry Jen! :(

Of course a night market meal would not be complete without honey dumplings!

Crepes! Not as good as those in Williamstown

Chai Latte cup cake. This was phenomenal! So soft and moist, and the icing was just perfect and not overpowering. The best tasting cupcake I've ever had!

This was only a fraction of the food we tried that night, and we still didn't sample everything. I look forward to the next night market food safari :)
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