Monday, December 6, 2010

Miyako Teppanyaki

I can't believe its taken this long for me to try teppanyaki! For a xmas get together I had dinner at Miyako Teppanyaki in Southbank. We each ordered the teppanyaki, which was a banquet course full of delicious food and games.

For entree I had the sushi. So delicious. It just made me miss Japan :(

If you order the trio of meat you will get lamb, beef and chicken. Look at the awesome cuts of beef!


The beef was soft and tender, and cooked to each patron's liking. There was a lot of butter used which made it all the more delicious. We also had to catch food in our mouths, which I failed dismally at. I was more successful at catching ricebowls, including one filled with fried rice, so that was lucky (for me and everyone else around me). Teppanyaki is great fun and warrants a return visit!
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