Monday, July 19, 2010

Homemade: Bread

After what seems like ages, I finally got back to trying out a new recipe. What can be better than homemade bread?

Maybe a gigantic and unintentionally hamburger bun-shaped bread?* I used bread flour, 'proofed' the dough by letting it rise, then punched it to let some air out (my favourite part). I then created two little round mounds and watched them expand and expand and expand. Oh and I added sesame on top.

So this was the result. the crust was sort of chewy, and the bread itself was quite dense like sourdough. I reheated the second 'loaf' and got a very hard crunchy crust.

I also created some ginger honey soy chicken skewers but I over did the soy to honey to ginger ratio and they tasted a little too... 'flavourful'.

I definately need to practice more regularly.

* No, giant hamburger bread tastes funny
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Saw this on the menu in a foodcourt so of course I decided to try it out. The takoyaki seemed to be deep fried, as the little octopus centred balls were perfectly spherical. Nothing beats the real thing but it brought back fond memories of a trip that already seemed so long ago :)
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Sunday, July 11, 2010


Horray for weekends! On a whim I decided that an unseasonably warm and sunny winter Melbourne day would be perfect for curry laksa. I was right.

Laksa King is indeed the best place for curry laksas. I was there in the afternoon (weekends are for sleeping in) and still had to wait to get a table.

This laksa was sooooo good. Absolutely delicious.

I also had spring rolls and fresh lettuce. Perfect for dunking in the curry laksa soup (did I mention how good it was?!).

Extremely satisfied.
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Working late means being in no mood to go home and cook. Its a very good excuse to go grab something in the city before heading home. We decided to get some Japanese.

Seaweed salad

Scott had this gigantic bowl of beef and rice.

I had gyozas, and some miso soup.

Very happy with that.
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Food Safari: Ethiopian

Yay for Food Safaris! It seems like its been forever since the last time we ventured out to try a new meal. This time it was Harambe, an authentic Ethiopian restaurant. We all went for the buffet, which has a large assortment of meat and vegetarian dishes, spicy rice and Ingera (Ethiopian bread).

Plate one.

Triple fruit juice.

Like all buffets we go to, we ended up getting way too much food and overeating. There is also Ethiopian coffee, but we decided to give that a miss since we didn't want to stay up too late. Despite this precautionary measure, certain Food Safarians didn't end up going to sleep until almost 3am, but that's another story :)
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