Monday, July 19, 2010

Homemade: Bread

After what seems like ages, I finally got back to trying out a new recipe. What can be better than homemade bread?

Maybe a gigantic and unintentionally hamburger bun-shaped bread?* I used bread flour, 'proofed' the dough by letting it rise, then punched it to let some air out (my favourite part). I then created two little round mounds and watched them expand and expand and expand. Oh and I added sesame on top.

So this was the result. the crust was sort of chewy, and the bread itself was quite dense like sourdough. I reheated the second 'loaf' and got a very hard crunchy crust.

I also created some ginger honey soy chicken skewers but I over did the soy to honey to ginger ratio and they tasted a little too... 'flavourful'.

I definately need to practice more regularly.

* No, giant hamburger bread tastes funny
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1 comment:

  1. THEY LOOK LIKE HAMBURGS! pretty niceee for a first try!
    perhaps slice them thinly and make EXTREME herb and butter bread...cruncycrunchyherbherb..

    you can never have too much soy - SOYTASTIC!
