Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eggploits of a hungry beast

Brittany here again, how is everyone?

I was trawling around the interweb and came across this other food blog and it just so happened to be lunch time.
It is what is known as a cheesy pasta scramble...and i began to make it cos it looked so damn good.

I followed the recipe and added my own twists - i substituted the milk for soy milk (that's all i had in the house) and it worked fine. Despite there being no measurment for the milk, i just guesstimated it and poured it in until it looked like the photo. A few tablespoons?
Instead of basil, i put in spring onion and then added a tin of tuna - that's why it looks the way it does.
I used my trusty Kraft Singles (plastic cheese) and it coated the pasta smashingly.

This is definitely an easy-peasy dish to cook and only took me half an hour in total to whip up. It's also a very flexibile recipe to change to fit your own tasty-buds, much like a pasta-bake.

I would recommend trying an egg, tomato and mushroom scramble with a few bits of crunchy bacon for a nice pasta scramble/fry-up.

A very good brunch, indeed.

Food-music for thought: Know Your Onion! - The Shins

Disaster Cupcakes

My one and only task for a xmas get together: make cupcakes.

I never said that they would be good, or even round :( I blame the oven for its uneven temperature (but I'm sure the baking try I crammed 24 odd cupcakes on didn't help things either)

It was half brown and completely dry. Disaster!! :(
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Tofu Flower

We got a bowl of tofu flower from an asian stall in a shopping centre foodcourt. Chadstone: Fashion capital AND home of $2 asian deserts.
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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sunday Lunch

Pho is great for lunch when the weather is cold and rainy

When the restaurant is right next door to the vietnamese green grocers, you are guaranteed fresh ingredients in every dish

Beef Noodles

Rice Paper Rolls
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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Food Safari - Jamaican Desert

An ominous sounding name, Dark Shadows is a desert consisting of a whole grape fruit, filled with condense milk, rum and cinnamon.

Dig in!
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Food Safari - Jamaican Mains

Jerk Chicken. The meat just fell off the bones. There was so much flavour!

Alloo Pies. Yummy seasoned potato mix in a flour dough, covered in tamarind sauce.

Caribbean spiced Fish. So soft and tasty.

Jamaican Rice and Beans is very reminiscent of an asian red bean sticky rice desert. Festivals (the dough balls in the front) are fantastic (but filling!). Its like a happy celebration (see what I did there?) of scones, churros and cinnamon donuts all rolled into one efficient package. They would be perfect with a bit of icing sugar, or sugar and jam.
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Food Safari - Jamaica

Horray for Food Safaris!! We braved torrential rain for a Jamaican meal :)

If you like Pina Coladas...!

mmm Jungle Juice

Chilli Janga Roti. Definately Spicy!

Cassava Fries are so yummy. Fun fact: Raw cassava can be toxic (go wikipedia!)
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Cotton Anniversary

For our 2nd year wedding anniversary, we went all out and celebrated in style. Nandos. Of course.

Chips and Chicken

Burger and Chips

For Dinner, we went to Station Hotel to see what all the fuss was about.

200 day wagyu Bavette Steak with bearnaise sauce

Black Angus rib eye with Pepper Sauce.

Rich and filling, I think its worth a return visit. There were lots of onions in the salad, which is never a bad thing :D
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Wedding Reception Desert


Mango Jelly! It was so yummy, especially when you get two of them hehehe

The Wedding cake. How cute! Our whole table was eyeing the cakes all night :)

After a warm wedding reception, our slightly melted cupcakes were given to us in little take home containers. It certianly didn't last the trip home. We all finished it before we left the reception!

I love weddings :D
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Wedding Reception Food!

Weddings are great when you are just a guest :) My only regret is that I didn't have enough battery in my camera to capture every meal of this asian wedding!

Shark Fin Soup. My Fav!

Abolone and Mushrooms

Lobster. Delish!

There were also fish, rice wrapped in banana leaves and prawn and scallops. We were well fed indeed! Desert pics to follow :)
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