Saturday, August 14, 2010

Home Made: Kofta

Went to Vic market and ended up with 3 kilos of beef mince. I don't think I can handle making shephards pie out of the whole 3 kilos, so decided to experiment. I ended up with koftas!

I took a bit of mince and combined with it onions, red chilli peppers, cumin, coriander and paprika. I planned to use garlic as well but didn't have any in the fridge (what?!). It took a while to cook all the skewers, so by the time I finished the first batch was kinda cold. They turned out a bit bland unfortunately, but were alright dipped in sweet chilli sauce. I also had warmed crusty bread and some lovely salted butter also from Vic Market.

Now to come up with another idea for the rest of the mince.
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