Saturday, October 31, 2009

Home Made - Shepard's Pie

Here's my first attempt at Shepard's Pie:

500g mince beef
diced carrots
diced onion
500ml beef stock
plain flour to thicken sauce
salt and pepper
dash of soy sauce
dash of tobasco sauce
dash of worchester sauce
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
mash potatoes for the top
melted butter over the potatos for color

I completely went overboard with the carrots and the end result was a very carroty shepard's pie (After all the hard work of chopping up the carrots I wasn't leaving any of them out of the dish). It was a massive dish in the end, and took a few days for us to finish it all. Overall it tasted like a shepard's pie, but I think next time I will cut back on the carrots, and maybe add some mushrooms as well.

For desert, Scott made vanilla cake. Out of packet mix. It was nice and moist, and this time real butter was used in the icing (as opposed to margarine). Definately the way to go.
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