Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Made: Pizza

I made this for dinner last night. The pizza base was 3 day old pita bread. It did taste a bit stale but I'm still alive so I guess it was still alright. I added tobasco sauce to it and it was awesome.

Calamari and Chips

Mid Week Work Lunch: Calamari and Chips and 'home made' mayo. The calamari was bigger than the chips!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Banh Khot


Salty Salmon

Salmon on Soba Noodles with Dipping Sauces. That crust on the salmon? Sea salt. Tons and Tons of sea salt. I'm so thirsty just looking at it :(
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Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding

Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding at On The Inlet in Port Douglas. Delish.